How it all started...
Fountain of Life Church was founded in Madison, WI in 1977, as Union Tabernacle Church of God in Christ II, by Bishop R.L. Ford of Chicago, IL. At the behest of Mother Verline Fleming, Bishop Ford and a small group of dedicated saints traveled weekly to Madison’s south side to hold Sunday services in Mother Fleming’s living room. Over the next six years, the small church grew as seven teenagers organized Wednesday and Friday night prayer and testimony services. In 1983, Ford recognized the “anointing” on Alex Gee’s life and appointed him Assistant Pastor. Thereafter, Pastor Gee assumed much of the preaching responsibilities.

The 1990’s were marked by three distinct shifts. First and foremost, the Union Tabernacle (UT II) congregation began to grow in size and increasingly became more inter-racial. Secondly, the Nehemiah Community Development Corporation was founded in 1992 and UT II became independent from their formal COGIC affiliations. Finally in 1997, UT II formally changed its name to Fountain of Life Family Worship Center. During the nineties and the first decade of the 21st century, a core of approximately twenty dedicated saints/leaders, with the help of others, built up the ministries and infrastructure of the modern church we see today.
In 2010, Fountain of Life formally became affiliated with The Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) and considers itself an African–American led multicultural ministry. Today FOL continues in its pentecostal worship traditions of spiritual pursuit, encounter and empowerment. It is dedicated to excellence in the Word, worship and relevant and meaningful community service.
In 2010, Fountain of Life formally became affiliated with The Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) and considers itself an African–American led multicultural ministry. Today FOL continues in its pentecostal worship traditions of spiritual pursuit, encounter and empowerment. It is dedicated to excellence in the Word, worship and relevant and meaningful community service.
We enter to worship and exit to serve.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together 10 AM.