You Hold the World
Though we walk through the valley
Though the waters rise
Though the darkness closes in
We will carry on
You are the Lord
Your love for us will never fade
Forever you are with us, Lord
You hold the world in your hand
Our Father, you are the Lord
Your plans for us will never fail
Forever you are Lord of all
You hold the world in your hand
You hold the world in your hand
Though creation is groaning
Though the nations rage
Though your children cry for peace
We will cling to you
©2016 Becca May Grant
CCLI License # 2405494
Though the waters rise
Though the darkness closes in
We will carry on
You are the Lord
Your love for us will never fade
Forever you are with us, Lord
You hold the world in your hand
Our Father, you are the Lord
Your plans for us will never fail
Forever you are Lord of all
You hold the world in your hand
You hold the world in your hand
Though creation is groaning
Though the nations rage
Though your children cry for peace
We will cling to you
©2016 Becca May Grant
CCLI License # 2405494